Name: Fiske
Nickname(s): Fishy, Blue
Age: 100 but physically around 25.
Date Of Birth: July 29th
Zodiac: Leo
Species: Merman
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Orientation: Homosexual / Homoromantic
Profession: Prince
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 139 lbs
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Blue

Written AppearanceHair is rather wavy and short, having longer bangs that are on either side of his face and leave his forehead exposed. Forehead has a small diamond right in the middle, this diamond is the mark that the merpeople of his kingdom get once they reach mastery and full control over their water based magic. Skin has a very peachy hue to it, blue scales popping up on here and there on his body like his shoulders have some. Eyes are a bright amber in color, like a hidden ocean jewel. Ears are pointed like most other merpeople. His bellybutton is pierced and the piercing is always present on his form. His tail is as blue as his hair and very shimmery, in the right lighting there's a kind of rainbow sheen to it. Fiske is often seen wearing a good amount of Jewelry. If he is ever using his "Land Legs" then he is seen wearing a necklace with a bright amber jewel, there is magic in the necklace that allows him to have human legs and walk amongst humans.

Dominant Hand: Left
Scent: The Sea
Education: As a Prince he is highly educated and taught by the best teachers that the sea had to offer ( and that his kingdom were allies with ). He is not knowledgeable about that of a humans education except for their language
Languages: The language of the sea, english
Speaking Voice / Accent: Fiske's voice is not deep but not high pitched either, a good happy medium of the two and then add a dash of what sounds like a constant hoarseness and you have Fiske's voice. His voice will take on a higher pitch when nervous, embarrassed and scared.
Financial Status: In the sea he and his family is extremely rich, one of the richest underwater kingdoms
Habits: Biting his lips, Twirling his hair, biting his nails.
Positive Traits: Curious, Friendly, Outgoing, Caring, Trusting, Honest
Neutral Traits: Absentminded, Emotional, Determined, Impressionable
Negative Traits: Airy, Easily confused, Extremely Clumsy, Naive

Random Information

Name Meaning: Fish
Allergies: None that are known of.
Eating Habits: Fiske is a very picky eater but isn't afraid to try new things from time to time, especially if they are human foods but they have to be on his own terms and when he wants to try them. But, he is a vegetarian so that should be noted.
Sleeping Habits: Fiske is the type to sleep through anyone trying to wake him up, a very heavy sleeper but he's also usually the last one to fall asleep as well as the last one to wake up.
Fears: Drying out on land if he loses his magic necklace, Being all alone one day, heights, fire

Hair Texture: His hair is rather soft to the touch and also appears quite soft.
Vision: His vision is better than that of a humans, able to see rather far in the water BUT on land his vision isn't as great and his eyes don't like the air that comes with the human land, wanting to be rather dry and start burning from time to time.
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Seaweed
Hobbies: Exploring, Going on land, Trying to make friends, Singing
Skills / Talents: Singing is his best talent.

BackgroundBorn in the underwater kingdom of Cesta. He was the second prince to be born to the kingdom so he didn't have as much pressure on him to be the perfect prince for Cesta ( though his parents did try to get him to be a perfect example for the kingdom just like his brother ). Alas, Fiske was set in his ways from an early age and those ways were that of curiosity and exploring the unknown. Finding old ships in the water were so interesting to him, learning of humans being the ones that used ships as a form of transportation was so fascinating. His parents forbid him from actually trying to meet humans or even daring to go on land to learn of them but that stumped Fiske, how did they expect him to go on land in the first place? It was always something in the back of his mind for a long time. Fiske would bend the rules a lot in his life by watching humans from afar in the shallows.He knew he wanted to meet humans and any other creatures on land and see what their side of the world was like. He had lived already a hundred years and had mastered his water based magic. He had watched his brother take the throne and his parents leave to travel the seas and see the other kingdoms. The time to see the human world was now while his brother was on the throne. His brother didn't have time for him and barely paid any attention to Fiske, too busy soaking up being the king. Fiske had heard a rumor of a sea witch and he had to see if this sea witch could help him to get his land legs.The sea witch did help in the form of a necklace that he must ALWAYS wear when on land. Of course this sea witch didn't play fair and found others suffering without knowing why as a form of amusement so Fiske never knew that the necklace came with a curse, the curse of bad luck. While wearing that necklace, he'd never have any good luck, everything that could possibly be bad luck incidents would happen to him while he wore that necklace. He has yet to make the connection to the necklace being the cause for the bad luck, he just thinks that his clumsiness is just so much worst on the land than it is in the waters. Fiske has a secret stash for the things he collects in the human world as well as clothes that he has found ( and probably accidentally stolen without realizing it because he still doesn't really get land people and their money and all that ). He frequently visits the land and explores and tries to make friends but a lot of people have given him odd looks but that won't stop him from going out of the sea and onto the land.Trivia1. Fiske isn't secretive about what he is and the fact that he is a prince but so far nobody believes him so he's in the clear at least.
2. Fiske is very afraid of fire. The heat that rolls off of it and how dry it makes the air feel just scares him too much to be comfortable around it at all. He will see fire and will easily pale and instantly leave.
3. Fiske can manipulate water in the water and on land, he can freeze it, he can boil it and he can heal with it to an extent. He can manipulate large quantities or small quantities of water. He can make a water like clone of himself ( which he does most of the time when he leaves to explore land ) but it can easily be damaged and destroyed and it can't do anything other than float around.
4. He is good at sneaking around and good at avoiding being caught. He's just so slippery you can't catch him.
5. He gets A LOT of sayings and phrases that people on land use very wrong very often. Please bear with him, he's doing his best.